
Investment readiness for international funds


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We had an incredible event on investment readiness for international funds, and we’re thrilled to share a quick recap of the key highlights and takeaways 💼💰

🌟 Event Overview:

The event aimed to empower innovators with valuable insights and strategies to attract international funds for their ventures. The event was hosted by Consonance’s Operations Partner @batelthebrand and our special guest @sani_Francis as he shared his experiences and knowledge.

💡 Key Takeaways:

Know what your international VC does not know about your sector or market. Try to help them understand the culture and dynamics of your market first.

Find mutuals or mutual connections when applying for funds. The greatest form of trust is the human connection.

Be different by doing your research. As a founder you can show competence by telling the VC something different about the market as opposed to what they already know.

All these and more are why we encourage innovators to join a community that would enhance their growth.

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